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This discussion essay is a research paper on social-cultural issues in early childhood. The essay focuses on sleeping arrangements for children. There exist proper sleeping arrangements for the infants and the parents. Sleeping arrangements across different cultural diversities make us aware of the most valuable comparison factors of the cultural basis and the assumptions that our practices are pegged upon. Consistency in sleep arrangements is one of the many aspects of child-rearing patterns that can foster security in a homestead. This would directly implicate the independent behavior of a child outside the home setting. This independent behavior outside the family background may include high levels of self-care and even relations with their peers (Rogoff,1990 ). Many researchers postulate that the early nighttime separation of children from their parents is very crucial for the development of the infant’s psychological health.

Describe the issue, referencing theories to explain its significance in terms of child development

Children who maintain their initial methods of sleep develop a higher sense of independence. This is regardless of whether the sleeping arrangement was co-sleeping or solitary sleeping. Sleep arrangements help foster independence. The attachment theory points out that increased security during the early stages of a child fosters independence as the child continues to grow older. Regardless of whether the sleeping arrangement is solitary or co-sleeping, both serve well as valid arrangements since the young children benefit from stability in their daily routines (Sroufe, Fox & Pancake, 1993). Consistent co-sleepers and those who consistently slept on their own are more independent as opposed to children who in their early stages of life experienced changes in their sleeping arrangements. This is especially during the first three years of their infancy.

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Proper child sleeping arrangements enable a child to be in a position to be self-confident in their actions. Such children are also fully assured in the decision they make in the future. This helps reduce any chances of confusion that may pose potential threats to the health behavior of the children.

Discuss the issue from the perspective of UAE culture and compare it to the perspectives of another culture

The UAE culture on sleeping arrangements differs greatly when compared to other cultures. Sleeping arrangement issues and reflections are different due to different practices of people from differing cultures. The UAE culture has different relations between co-sleeping and interdependence of the young ones. They believe that their infants are born as separate beings. Thus they should develop interdependent relationships with the community members to facilitate their survival. This is facilitated by co-sleeping. For the Americans, parents believe that infants are born depend and thus they need to be socialized to become independent (Levine, 1980).

Practices of parents sleeping with their infants in some cultures through the first two years of their early life is a strategy used by parents to foster their children to develop interdependence. From a cultural point of view, some parents prefer that their young children develop attachments to and depend on an inanimate object rather than developing the attachment to a person.

Possible recommendations

Parents should understand their family dynamics and the reason for choosing a specific sleeping arrangement. They also understand the dangers that come with practices of bed-sharing. Although no sleep environment can be assumed to be risk-free, parents should educate on the practices of how to best provide safer sleeping environments and arrangements for their infants.

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The infant sleep environment should be free of quilts, bumper pads, and even comforters in the early infancy stages.

Hospitals should ensure that mothers do not sleep on the same bed as their newborns given the effects of the occurrence of maternal weakness or fatigue. The policies implemented by the health facilities will serve to educate parents on safe sleeping practices. However, such policies should not serve as obstacles that may compromise in any way the maternal-infant interaction which is deemed crucial for the initiation of successful breastfeeding.

Sleeping arrangements

For babies, sleeping with others is the best. This is because they won’t be afraid of anything terrifying them during the night. This will also help reduce nightmares. There is no set time when a baby should start sleeping on their bed. However, most babies make the move between eighteen months of age and three and half years. Most parents switch the baby to their bed when he or she has outgrown the cot. The move is also necessitated by the arrival of another baby.


Young children should be trained well to sleep on their own. This does not come easy. This comes easy when you prepare them psychologically for the move (Brazelton, 1992). Place their bed in the same place the cot was placed before and even use the same cot beddings. You may even convince the child to accompany you in the process of securing a new bed. To make even the child more attracted to sleep on their own, invite more people and even celebrate. This will attract the kid’s attention and the child will be so excited about getting a new bed. The child will assume that everything will go smoothly. In case the young one loves playing around with stuffed animals and dollies, put them in the room to make them feel more comfortable and safer.

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