People who were born before the new millennia have a completely different outlook on life. Most of them are able to imagine their life without smartphones and gadgets while millennials find it impossible. Gadgets are their window to the world and if the Internet would cease to function for a week, their worlds would probably collapse. While technological advancements brought to us by the evolution of mankind have many advantages and bright sides they also have their dark sides. Just as children were the victims of bullying before the new millennia, they have now become victims of cyberbullying, which is a type of bullying which occurs online. However, in comparison with real-life bullying, cyberbullying is not that evident and children often do not even understand that they are being bullied. Unfortunately, because of expressions of such behavior characterized by different levels of psychological pressure, the Internet becomes a dangerous place, which leads to an increase in stress and anxiety among children. Because of the rise of cyberbullying, cyber essays and essays on cyberbullying, in particular, became a popular type of assignment lately.
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Definition of Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is defined as ways to use the Internet to embarrass or hurt another person. This is usually done via sending embarrassing images, e-mails, or posting embarrassing texts about the person whom the cyberbully targets. A serious example of cyberbullying is the creation of a separate topic on the forum with the single purpose of embarrassing or ridiculing the other person. Essays about cyberbullying often research instances like that. Let us take a look at popular cyber essay topics.
How to Write Persuasive Essay: Who Are Cyberbullies?
Before you start writing your essay, you need to find out the definition of cyberbullying. A cyberbully is a person, who is torturing other peoples` lives with the help of digital technologies. A cyberbully is very similar to a traditional bully, who torments others for the purpose of pleasure. In particular, these people humiliate others, laugh at them, and threaten others because it helps them feel more confident. Only when other people suffer, cyberbullies get moral satisfaction. In other words, the suffering of other people makes them stronger. On the other hand, a lot of bullies are just former victims of bullying. The studies show that people, who practice bullying are even more depressed than their victims. Bullies want to have power over other people by humiliating and threatening them, but getting no real power, they get just miserable.
Examples of Cyberbullying
- Posting unwanted messages or pictures to social media outlets.
- Sending harassing text messages to the victims;
- Accessing private files of the victims on their personal laptop;
- Creating fake accounts to steal the identities of other people.
Topics on Essays on Cyberbullying
- The most dangerous online platforms from the standpoint of cyberbullying.
- Should cyberbullying be prosecuted by law?
- Can sedition on the Internet be considered cyberbullying?
- Efficient cyberbullying preventing acts.
- Approaches developed nations utilize to get rid of cyberbullying
- How to distinguish between cyberbullying and hot debate?
- Top 5 ways to protect children from cyberbullying.
- To what degree should parents know about the online activity of their children to protect them against cyberbullying?
- Should parents be alert about the online activities of their children to prevent cyberbullying?
- Case studies of solved cyberbullying activities.
How to Write Persuasive Essay on Cyberbullying? Efficient Strategies
Cyberbullying persuasive essay writing is not an easy thing to do. When planning your persuasive essay, make sure to follow the steps mentioned below:
- Define your position. When talking about a specific problem, you should clearly define your position as it will help you develop your arguments and suggest a good solution;
- Analyze your audience. Think whether your target audience will support your position, oppose it, or stay neutral;
- Conduct in-depth research. To develop your topic properly, you need to know what other researchers say about it. To become more convincing, you need to back up your arguments with good evidence from the findings of other scholars;
- Take care of the proper structure of your essay. For this purpose, you need to know what evidence should be included in your persuasive essay on cyberbullying and in what order you will present your purpose. Remember that to reach the desired goal, your essay needs to be engaging and intriguing.
Cyberbullying Writing Guide
The first thing that author of essays about cyberbullying should do is to explain why the problem of cyberbullying is worth talking about. The author should explain how cyberbullying is different from real-life bullying and why it is a big problem among children. Cyber bullying persuasive essay usually includes a lot of facts and statistical data to prove the thesis statement.
Persuasive essay about cyberbullying follow this structure:
- Introduction.
Cyberbullying essay introduction should introduce the problem in the most engaging way possible because while reading the introduction the reader usually decides whether they will read an essay until the end or not. Therefore, cyberbullying essay introduction should be catchy, have background information on cyberbullying, and include a solid and engaging thesis statement.
- The body of work.
Body paragraphs of cyber essays should prove that the thesis statement given in the introduction is valid. To make cyber essays convincing one should include evidence from reliable sources, examples from actual studies and researches, and opinions of experts from the fields of IT and psychology. Each paragraph of this section elaborates the claims made in the introductory paragraph thus making the thesis statement unshakable.
- Conclusion.
The last part of cyberbullying essays is a conclusion and it should sum up the ideas stated throughout cyberbullying essays. The conclusion presents the final and most convincing argument on the theme which leaves the reader fully assured of the correctness of a thesis statement. Another way to finish a conclusion is to leave a question in readers’ minds – give them something to reflect on.
When the draft of the essay is completed author should dedicate time to review, proofread and apply the necessary corrections. The paper should be carefully examined for grammatical, spelling, and punctuation correctness. The revision also implies checking logical presentation, sentence structure, overall structure, and smoothness of idea flow. Another important thing that should be checked is the strength of the argument and the solidity and relevance of supporting evidence. If you feel that your essay can motivate readers to take action, it means that you have written a convincing essay.
Cyber Essay Outline Example
For your convenience, we have added a cyber essay outline example for writing cyberbullying essays:
- Introduction
- General cyberbullying overview
- Thesis statement on cyberbullying
- Body of Work
- Paragraph 1
- Definition of cyberbullying
- Cyberbullying methods
- Reported cases and statistics of cyberbullying
- Paragraph 2
- Targets of cyberbullying
- Average cyberbullying rates
- Paragraph 3
- Consequences of cyberbullying
- Ways to prevent cyberbullying
- Conclusion
- Reaffirmation of the thesis statement
- Argument’s summary
How to Write Persuasive Essay on Cyberbullying? Use the Ways Suggested Below to Support Your Argument in a Cyber bullying Essay Body
- Facts.
When it comes to writing a persuasive essay about cyber bullying, you should not underestimate the importance of accurate facts because they are the strongest means of convincing. These facts may be taken from your personal experience, observations, or from the outside readings. Many writers mistakenly confuse the facts with the truth. However, the truth is always believed by many people but cannot be scientifically proven;
- Quotes.
Direct quotes taken from credible sources will help you strengthen your position;
- Statistics.
In some cases, providing recent statistics can serve as excellent support. Make sure to cite it;
- Examples.
Examples allow the researcher to make the ideas more concrete.
In Conclusion
As we have mentioned in the beginning, modern technologies have a lot of advantages but along with bright sides, they also have their dark sides one of which is cyberbullying. This is a serious issue that leads to the increase of stress and anxiety among children and therefore should be taken seriously. Cyberbullying should be prosecuted both on the national level and on the local level. Society cannot keep silent about cyberbullying because it leads to depression and even suicide. People should become more educated about cyberbullying and schools should play an important role in fostering healthy relationships among children.
The biggest problem with cyberbullying is that it is often performed anonymously. This leads us to the conclusion that the most efficient measures against cyberbullying are not punishment of bullies but the increase of emotional resilience and intelligence of victims. Our society should educate those who suffer from bullying showing them efficient measures of protection against bullies.
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