TO: To The CEO
SUBJECT: Recruitment and Staffing Proposal
As a director of Human Resource Management at HSS Company, I am aware that being a CEO of the company you would like to make some changes in the recruitment and selection process. As your focus is on the employment of senior-level workers in the organization, in this memo I want to propose the new possible methods that can be applied for this specific aim.
The selection process is a procedure that organizations follow to choose the right men or women to perform a particular task, and which involves matching talent with the company’s requirements (Flamholtz, 2012). Selection and recruitment are the phases of the employment process on the whole, and they are different from each other. While the latter is a positive process, which motivates potential workers to apply for the job, the former is negative since unqualified candidates are rejected here. Recruitment is the first step, and it is then followed by selection (Flamholtz, 2012). My overall mission as the HR Director is to ensure that the company makes the right decisions that will promote both the short-term and long-term goals of both the overall organization and the human resource department. The selection and recruitment process must involve other stakeholders in the organization. For instance, the line managers and supervisors have experience of job characteristics and requirements. Thus, they are instrumental in the recruitment and selection process.
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The company needs to retreat from the traditional recruitment methods and adapt to the new techniques that have emerged due to the changes in technology (Sessa, Kaiser, Taylor, & Campbell, 1998). The traditional methods of using newspapers may not attract many applicants, unlike the new methods that include the use of social networks, mobile applications, and online job boards. The new generation of workers is digitalized, and therefore, they are more likely to see the advertisement placed on the social network than in newspapers.
Recruitment Approaches
The organization can use both internal and external recruiting to hire senior employees. The former is promoting the workers from within the company, while the latter is a search of workers from outside the company.
Promoting From Within
This method is suitable for hiring senior employees since it involves employing for positions that are above the entry-level. The method serves as a motivation for those working hard in the organization. As the firm already knows the performance level of the employee, it reduces the recruitment costs associated with evaluations (Snell, Morris, & Bohlander, 2015).
Job Posting
The organization can also conduct job postings to find an applicant for the position from within the firm. Today, the organization utilizes cloud computing to share the employment position among the people working in the organization. HR sends the job vacancy employment requirement and information to all employees via emails. HR can also send the post to employees’ shared networks. It is important that the job posting is adequate, and the minority within the organization are aware of the vacancy (Jackson, Schuler & Werner, 2011).
Internet Recruiting
The company can perform recruiting by advertising open vacancies on the internet. As most people are involved in using the technology for different purposes in their lives, the company can reach a large number of potential employees. Internet recruiting also offers diversity, since it can attract new expertise that does not exist in the organization. Online recruitment is rather popular among the unemployed because it allows them to send multiple applications and does not consume a lot of time. Thus, by using this method the organization will obtain a large number of potential employees to choose from.
Selection Approaches
After accomplishing the job posting or seeing an advertisement, the job pretender applies for the position. An automated scanning system for applications is the best way to ensure that all details have been stored in the company’s database. After that, the employers interview the applicants in a form of a verbal test that involves the interaction between the employer and the applicant. Interviewing candidates may involve two phases. The first phase is through the phone for initial elimination. The elimination saves the cost and time of having to conduct a face-to-face interview with a multitude of job seekers. It is crucial to verify the references that the applicants provide before offering them the job as they may have lied about their work histories and educational backgrounds. Thus, the verification process helps the firm to ascertain that the individual possesses the proclaimed skills (Belcourt et al., 2011).
Person-Job Fit Approach
The firm can select a candidate by matching job requirements with the qualifications of the applicant. This approach can also be referred to as a person-job fit. The method aspires to match the requirements of the vacant position with the qualifications of the candidates.
Person-Organization Fit Approach
This particular method involves the analysis of skills, knowledge, and abilities of those who can do the job and fit into the organization’s culture. The method attempts to match individuals’ qualifications with the broad organizational requirement (Belcourt et al., 2011).
The Combined Approach
The approach involves the use of both the person-job fit approach and the person-organization approach.
Cost/Benefit Analysis and Comparison
The costs of hiring from within are smaller than recruiting from external sources. The employee is already known to the organization, and there is no need for background checks. The cost of training and orienting the employee is smaller than with the recruiting that involves hiring from an external source. The only cost to the organization is the demoralization of workers who did not get the promotion. The benefit of the job posting is that it will reach all the employees and thus will eliminate any bias or discrimination. However, it costs the organization fresh, diverse skills different from the ones in the organization, which it can obtain by hiring from external sources. Internet recruiting benefits the organization by attracting a variety of diverse skills that the firm may be lacking. Yet, it is expensive and consumes a lot of time (Belcourt et al., 2011). The use of the person-job fit approach of candidate selection is more specific and chooses a candidate who fits perfectly well for the job. However, the person may have difficulties fitting into the organizational culture. The person-organization fit approach may not lead to the selection of the person with the specified skills in the job description. On the contrary, it may cause further training costs. The benefit of this method is that the candidate integrates well into the organizational culture that making its management easier.
Metrics of Measuring Effectiveness
One of the metrics is the costs of recruitment since the employment process must stay with the budget and should not be too expensive. HR should evaluate the cost of recruitment immediately after the induction process (2 months after entry into the position). The second metric is the quantity, and the selection tool requires to be evaluated regarding the quality of applicants. It must be tested on job outcome and performance evaluation of the employee. The third evaluation method is the turnover rate. A good recruitment and selection method should lower the turnover rate. Otherwise, the process may result in the selection of the wrong candidates. The turnover rate for the new employees should be conducted one year after the employment (Belcourt et al., 2011).
Recommended Approach
As per the cost/benefits analysis, the best approach to recruit is promoting from within. The method acts as a motivator, and it is less cost demanding as compared to hiring from external sources. The best method, in this case, is the combination of both person-job fit and person-organization method. The reason for the choice of selection approach is that the firm needs workers who are competent in specific fields and still fit in the organization’s culture.
Both external and internal methods of recruiting have their advantages and disadvantages. A person from external recruitment may bring new methods and ideas into the firm. Yet, promoting from within method is the best for the organization because it motivates employees. It also reduces orientation costs since the worker is already familiar with the company culture. The combined method of the selection proved to be the best since it considers both competence and corporate culture.