The World after the Establishment of the United Nations

The United Nations is an international body formed to promote international relations and coexistence . It was established in 1945 after the second World War to prevent another such conflicts . When it was founded, it had five member states; however, the number has increased to 193 states.


Lindau Gospels State of Literature

As stated by Andrews, early religious codices bound in wooden board covers and heavily decorated with precious materials like ivory, gold, jewels and enamels are known as “Treasure Bindings” (14). One of the reasons these codices are hard to find is that only a few of them were produced. Lindau Gospels is one of the codices that still have been preserved till modern times.


Chinese History

This research paper aims to describe the ancient Chinese cultural self-consciousness and the attitude of the Chinese to foreigners. The integration of all Chinese states under the rule of Zhou initiated this cultural mentality among the Chinese who are also referred to as Han people. The distinction between the Chinese and non-Chinese is also known as the Sino-Barbarian dichotomy.


An Unknown Artwork

Art is the way of depicting and describing any objects, personalities, places, and time periods. Nowadays, people deal with many forms of art: paintings, literary works, architectures, sculptures, and music works. However, art connoisseurs and researchers are still having many objectives for studying and researching, as there is a large number of anonymous artworks.


How the Balance Of Power Helps In Understanding the Origins of WWI

By definition, a balance of power implies a situation in which all states are relatively equal and thus there are no threats of aggression between the states and domination of one of them. This state of affairs would require all the states to have equal military capabilities, such that no single state could attack another.


Killing the Messengers of Change

In his book A History of Political Murder in Latin America: Killing the Messengers of Change, John Green analyzes political murder in Latin America. Generally, Latin America can hardly be called a politically stable region. In the past century, this region was involved in revolutions, coup d’états, massacres and other events, which prevented Latin American countries from establishing a firm economic and political situation.


Palazzo Medici Riccardi by Michelozzo

Any epoch is characterized by a complex of different features that stipulate and govern the spheres of social relations, religion, politics, economics, etc. Architecture does not seem to be one of the major ruling forces of any period, but, in fact, it reflects most of the ideas and principles that characterize the period with impressive accuracy.


The American History

The American history has been marked by several conflicts, but none threatened the unity of the nation like the civil war. The civil war came at a time when America was gaining foothold in terms of political and economic prosperity.


Art History

My research topic will be dedicated to the exploration of the prairie houses produced by Frank Lloyd Wright and the synthesis of outstanding oil paintings created by Paul Cezanne in the nineteenth century.


Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse is referred as one of the most outstanding artists of the twentieth century. The artist contributed largely to the development and treatment of the contemporary art.

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