Art History Free Essay
My research topic will be dedicated to the exploration of the prairie houses produced by Frank Lloyd Wright and the synthesis of outstanding oil paintings created by Paul Cezanne in the nineteenth century. Within these styles, I will explore methods used by these modernists when creating feelings of harmony, solidity, and unity. I find this aspect useful and interesting to explore since I am amazed at how these different talented representatives of Modernism, can employ the incompatible technique to generate the same effect within their masterpieces.
When observing both artworks, the audience may feel the sensation of harmony and completeness. I would like to learn how these eminent personalities produce their famous and cohesive works of art. While the experts argue that the effects are the result of the artworks’ subjects, namely nature, I am planning to pay attention to the technique employed by every modernist instead of focusing on their art. Therefore, the question I am going to answer is what is the relationship between the unification and harmony of Wright’s prairie houses and the organized, cohesive oil paintings created by Cezanne? The way the oil painting and buildings generate this equivalent effect is astonishing and mysterious, that is why I chose to research the artworks of these great personalities.
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I am going to explore and discover how dissimilar types of art demonstrate similar effects in works. I am planning to focus on the basic techniques of Wright’s prairie houses, which the designer has employed to unify his houses with the surrounding environment. Similarly, I will pay attention to Cezanne’s technique of unification, harmonization, stabilization, and solidification of his masterpieces and explore the style, in which the artist has used symmetrical brushstrokes and coordinated colors that have become harmonious shades. The author has applied constructive principles to bring the background as well as the foreground to the same level. I will focus on this connection in the works of Wright and Cezanne, since I am interested in how the same effects can be produced in dissimilar art, including oil paintings and architecture. For my research topic, I have found many interesting and helpful books that describe Wright’s prairie houses as well as the technique the architect applied to integrate them into the natural environment that surrounds us (Hoffmann, 1995). Books by McCarter, Hoffman, and Rosenbaum have been useful since they introduced me to the specific method and representative houses that discover the prairie style.
According to Alofsin (1999), one can regard Wright as the Cezanne of architectural style. Most of the articles that were dedicated to the synthesis period and Cezanne’s oil paintings have been unfocused. They do not concentrate solely on this period. Numerous books that I have read, describe various paintings, instead of focusing on the time, when the author’s style changed. The narrative structure and symbolizing imagery of Wright’s works along with the required reconsideration of contextual and historical foundations are exceptional (Levine, 1998). The useful Grove Dictionary also helped me to explore Cezanne’s art, providing gives a broad perspective on his unique style. Right now, I am searching for some articles and books that will give me specific information on the style of unification of his paintings. I find the chosen topic quite controversial, but still interesting and enlightening. It is difficult to realize how two dissimilar art forms can generate the same sensation in the audience. One may say that paintings created by Cezanne imitate the effect of Wright’s houses. However, both modernists use dissimilar means of expressing this impression. It is fascinating to learn that the effects of the American architect who tried to unify his prairie house within the surrounding nature can generate the same harmony as the French artist who aimed at creating unison and solidity in his works. Wright generated a serene and peaceful beauty of unapologetic and new space as well as beauty that emerges from the deep resonance of nature and human existence (Levine, 1998)