Why is it Important to Work to Delete Cyberbullying? Free Essay
In a virtual space, cyberbullying poses threats to human health in terms of psychological stresses that might be imposed on individuals. Although youth is predominantly involved in the action, adults also take part in such unlawful actions. Growing awareness of the harassment and problems caused by cyberbullying has helped the police officers to think over the prevention measures that can minimize the number of cybercrimes. The point is that parents do not fully realize the consequences of their children’s involvement in this action. Cyberbullying can negatively influence the target individuals in terms of their moral and psychological states. Additionally, cyber-harassment significantly violates privacy issues, which is considered an unconstitutional act. Therefore, cyberbullying should be detected and deleted to prevent the violation of human rights and make people aware of the complications and shortcomings that this action might have for future generations.
Children involved in online teasing often fail to communicate directly with the target audience. Such an attitude is a psychological deviation, which leads to further mood disorders. In this respect, parents should control their children and limit their access to the Internet. This is of particular concern to video games that often exemplify inappropriate behavior. Parents cannot handle this problem alone because they cannot control the flow of information online. Working to remove these effects should be introduced to establish monitoring of various websites’ content. It is important to stress that cyber-stalking affects the public sector as well because more and more users spend a considerable amount of time online.
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There should be specific agencies that could monitor the online activities in which children and teenagers are involved. Cyberbullying minimizes the chances of normal communication with friends in public, which also distracts a person from activities in school or at work. The help of academic counselors is insufficient in such cases because they have to deal with the case when the crime has already been committed. At this point, the additional help of expert professionals will be of great use. Moreover, cyberbullying can also influence mood, sleep, and appetite, leading to several eating disorders. Parents should take an active part in controlling their children through restricted access and availability of their kids’ virtual world.
Active engagement in online harassment can increase the crime rates online as well. In this respect, academic counselors and parents might face serious challenges while talking to children who practice bullying. Cyberbullying is very difficult to detect and control, and the only chance to reduce its spread is to work on eliminating the problem via online channels. The current rates of online teasing can lead to new trends in communication that can significantly distort children’s ability to interact in a real environment.
In conclusion, it is important to reduce the cases of online harassment to improve the interaction between individuals in the real world because cyberbullying has multiple negative effects on people’s behavior, attitudes to the real world, and communication skills. Cyberbullying distorts teenagers’ views on normal communication and imposes psychological and moral pressure on them. Additionally, inadequate online behavior can disrupt an individual’s ability to communicate directly in public. Overall, this type of cybercrime should be controlled to reduce the cases of children’s harassment and emotional exploitation online.