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My View About Cyberbullying Free Essay

Progress is a versatile notion that despite the comfort and development brings new risks and challenges. Cyberbullying is an example of the harm made by information technology development. Cyberbullying is a form of intimidation and harassment of children and adolescents by using communication technologies (Slonje, & Smith, 2008).

To my mind, bullying as a whole is a harmful issue having dangerous consequences. As to cyberbullying, things are even worse. In terms of cyberbullying, every Internet user may know about the child being harassed and this increases the psychological trauma for the teenager since his personal information was announced almost to the whole world. In addition, the peculiarity of cyberbullying is that it can last with 24/7 availability and in any corner of the particular community or even anywhere in the world. Thus, due to the constant pressure on the child’s psyche, the inevitability of being harassed by such children often may result in self-injury, anger, depression, and even may have a lethal outcome (Slonje, & Smith, 2008).

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In addition, in my opinion, cyberbullies should be punished somehow. What is important is that the majority of them are of school age (Slonje, & Smith, 2008); thus, it is wrong to bring them to jail and, thus, ruin their further lives. I think that community service and a penalty for bullies’ parents are enough for the first-time charges. However, in case the bullying continues, and the consequences are severe, the case may end in a court with a sentence. What is more, the severity of every punishment mentioned should take into account the consequences for the victim.

In conclusion, along with bullying, the cyber version of this issue may turn the life of the child or adolescent unbearable. However, cyberbullying has greater opportunities for abuse and, thus, is more dangerous compared to conventional bullying. Therefore, actions should be taken to eliminate this problem.

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