The Negativity of International Labor Organization

The International Labor Organization was introduced with the primary objective of promoting workers’ welfare in its member states. However, over the years, the entity has proved to have some significant adverse impacts. Thus, the primary objective of this paper is to establish these negative consequences and propose possible solutions. The goal is achieved through proper research of the available journal articles focusing on this issue. After the research, several negative impacts of ILO have been established, namely disadvantaging the poor member states, practicing regulations are quite costly, promoting inequality between children depending on their background, and rules can hardly be enforced and are unfair to new enterprises. To alleviate these negative impacts, it has been proposed that the organization should develop customized regulations as well as consider new enterprises while making laws. In conclusion, if it embraces these recommendations, then things might change positively with all member states having equal chances to develop economically.

Table of Contents 1.0 The Negativity of International Labor Organizations 3 2.0 The ILO Negative Impacts 4 2.1 The ILO Is Disadvantageous to the Poor Member States 4 2.2 Practicing ILO Regulations Is Quite Costly 4 2.3 The Negative Effect of Child Labor Regulations by the ILO 5 2.4 The Regulations Can Hardly Be Enforced 5 2.5 The Regulation is Disadvantageous to Small Businesses Enterprises 5 3.0 An Interpretation of ILO Negative Impacts 6 3.1 The Impact of the Organization on the Economic Development of Some States 6 3.2 The Inequality Brought by the Organization 6 4.0 An Evaluation of the Facts of the Research Presented 7 4.1 The Sources Are Well Researched and Reliable 7 4.2 Some Examples Presented Have Already Happened 7 5.0 A Discussion of the Outcomes 8 5.1 Inequality 8 5.2 The Plight of the Employers 8 6.0 Recommendations 8 6.1 Developing Customized Regulations 8 6.2 Take into Consideration the Plight of Small Enterprises 9 7.0 Conclusion 9 References 11

1.0 The Negativity of International Labor Organizations

Labor is critical in a nation. It is through labor that income-generating programs are initiated. Being this critical, there is a need to regulate the sector of labor that explains the formulation of different organizations such as the International Labor Organization (ILO). According to Dahan, Lerner, and Milman-Sivan (2013), the ILO was formed in 1919 and currently has 187 independent member states. The organization’s structure mainly includes government representatives, employees, and employers from the member states who come together and decide on standard labor conditions. However, although the organization’s main aim is positive, it has many disadvantages, including the promotion of inequality. In this way, proper ways should be devised to alleviate these negative impacts.

2.0 The ILO Negative Impacts

2.1 The ILO Is Disadvantageous to the Poor Member States

As stated in the introduction, the organization has 187 member states. The member states are not equally developed. For instance, some are highly developed, such as the United States, while there are non-developed member states, especially from the African continent. In this case, the developed countries tend to support laws in the organization that favor them economically. On the other hand, developing countries tend to embrace the formulated laws just as a symbol since they do not have much power (Bhuiyan, 2017). Therefore, developing countries end up being disadvantaged since some of the regulations that are enforced by the ILO do not favor them in any way.

2.2 Practicing ILO Regulations Is Quite Costly

The organization was mainly formulated to safeguard the rights of workers. In this way, it has initiated mechanisms that ensure workers from the member states are protected. According to Rani, Belser, Oelz, & Ranjbar (2013), such mechanisms include setting the minimum wage, working conditions, and hours of duty for different employees. Such conditions are quite hard to achieve, especially in developing countries. Consequently, to comply, some employers, including the government, may end up denying people working chances. The overall result is increased cases of unemployment, thus hampering economic growth, as the number of productive citizens is limited.

2.3 The Negative Effect of Child Labor Regulations by the ILO

Some of the major regulations by the ILO direct that children should not participate in any form of labor. Instead, they should be enrolled in schools to learn some skills and go ahead to the working industry. However, this move presents a major form of inequality. In this regard, children from rich families can comply with the regulations without difficulties. On the other hand, as Fontana (2015) notes, minors from low-income families are denied a chance to engage in income generating, which results in extreme poverty. Therefore, in the long run, the poor end up suffering, as they cannot engage in any activity that can fund their education and be in the same position as children from wealthy backgrounds.

2.4 The Regulations Can Hardly Be Enforced

Although the organization might formulate some good regulations, it can hardly enforce the in same. According to Ryder (2015), ILO has to devise proper strategies for working in the current environment that is very challenging. In this regard, some countries, especially the economically powerful, only actualize the regulations by this organization to avoid creating a bad image from an international perspective. However, when they chose to go against the regulations, ILO does not take any significant measures to confront such moves. In the same line, Marginson (2016) points out that international bodies cannot regulate many nations. As a result, many countries go against its directives. Therefore, the entity becomes of less use to workers in general since its organization does not necessarily ensure their security.

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2.5 The Regulation is Disadvantageous to Small Businesses Enterprises

Mainly, different business enterprises start as small entities focused on minimizing their costs as much as possible. Such entities achieve this by strategies, such as employing workers who they can pay low wages. However, as Fritsch (2013) notes, this is not always possible due to various aspects, such as the high salary demanded by workers. Since the ILO has stipulated different regulations, including the minimum wage for every worker, small enterprises have to abide by such regulations. Consequently, they end up paying their workers’ high wages, which makes the business in its initial stages hardly develop. In the long run, many negative consequences include the closure of the business due to the high expenses they incur.

3.0 An Interpretation of ILO Negative Impacts

Two main aspects can broadly interpret the negative impacts of ILO, namely its effect on the economic development in some member states and inequality. Below is an interpretation of these two major aspects.

3.1 The Impact of the Organization on the Economic Development of Some States

The organization can easily attribute to the failure of some member states. As established before, the organization has some regulations restricting the labor sector. At times, these regulations can hardly be met, especially due to the complexity of work relations as noted by Jackson, Kuruvilla, and Frege (2013). To meet them, the employers can either choose to reduce their overall profits or fail to employ many workers. Either way, they would affect their country’s economic development negatively. For instance, when they minimize their profits, they can hardly enlarge and open new business outlets. On the other hand, when they choose to employ few workers, the issue of unemployment continues to persist in the country. Thus, in the long run, there might be economic sabotage due to unemployment and a poor business environment.

3.2 The Inequality Brought by the Organization

The ILO has brought around major forms of inequality since its formulation. As evident, one major form of inequality is between wealthy member states and developing nations. In this aspect, wealthy member states have the upper hand to formulate regulations over developing nations (Artuso & McLarney, 2015). Another major form of discrimination is between children from wealthy families and those from poor backgrounds. In this regard, the wealthy can comfortably comply with the regulations, while the poor can hardly do the same due to financial constraints. Finally, the regulation presents a form of discrimination between established and new businesses. In this case, the new ones are bound to comply with regulations, yet their income is too low compared to the already established businesses.

4.0 An Evaluation of the Facts of the Research Presented

4.1 The Sources Are Well Researched and Reliable

The sources used in this research are peer-reviewed journal articles. The articles take a standard format where they mainly focus on the real impacts of ILO on the member states. For instance, in the case of Fritsch (2013), the author takes a sample of employers from different countries. In this way, the information gathered is reliable, as it comes from people who experience the real impacts of the ILO’s regulations. Mostly, the authors have a literature review that tends to analyze the work by other scholars and shed some light regarding the topic, namely, they analyze the data gathered by scientific methods that make the facts presented substantive and reliable.

4.2 Some Examples Presented Have Already Happened

Many examples given in the research are things that have already happened. For instance, virtually every article in the research has used real data before concluding. For instance, Marginson (2016) asserts that international organizations cannot regulate many countries. Before coming up with such a conclusion, the author has done adequate research and has established the real situation in the member states. Thus, overall, the research presents substantive facts, and therefore, it is only advisable for relevant entities to devise new strategies that can strengthen ILO and make it better since it has many negative impacts on the member states.

5.0 A Discussion of the Outcomes

5.1 Inequality

ILO promotes inequality. Since its establishment, the organization focuses on formulating regulations that meet international standards. However, they fail to recognize the fact that not all areas are equally developed. In the long run, undeveloped countries tend to suffer, as they strive to meet the minimum standards that have been outlined by this entity. On the other hand, developed countries meet the set standards without a major struggle. In this case, it should be noted that equality is an important aspect, and every organization should always strive to promote it and avoid inequality. Therefore, there is a need to restructure ILO and ensure that it promotes equality among all the member states.

5.2 The Plight of the Employers

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The organization focuses too much on the plight of the employees and undermines that of employers and business in overall. As established, it concentrates on the well-being of the employees in different ways, such as ensuring that they work in a conducive environment, are paid high wages, and work for the minimum possible time. Such aspects might be of great benefit to the employees, but at the same time, they have significant adverse impacts on the employers. For instance, to achieve the regulations, employers have to spend a lot on paying the employees. Thus, in the long run, they can end up making losses, which affects their businesses.

6.0 Recommendations

6.1 Developing Customized Regulations

The organization should develop regulations depending on the economic status of each member state. In the research, one can note that the organization establishes rules that govern all the member states in general. However, these member states are not equal in terms of economic development, as some are highly developed, while others are underdeveloped. Thus, when regulations are passed, some members strive a lot to meet them. The issue can be solved by developing regulations that focus on a country’s well-being. With such a provision in place, no member state would strive to meet the organization’s regulations.

6.2 Take into Consideration the Plight of Small Enterprises

It is recommendable for the organization to always take into consideration the plight of small and new enterprises while making specific regulations. In this regard, the organization should ensure that any laws passed do not hurt small businesses. For instance, while deciding on the minimum wage for employers, the organization can direct that new business enterprises ought to offer a lower salary to employers for a particular period. After the stipulated time, they can then embrace the trend of other established enterprises. Such a move would ensure that small and new businesses do not strive a lot in their initial stages. Thus, in the long run, they can generate high profits and expand, thereby enrolling more employees and paying them much better in line with the ILO’s set standards.

7.0 Conclusion

As indicated in the introduction, proper strategies should be developed to alleviate the negative impacts experienced in different countries as a result of ILO’s regulations. The research has pointed out several adverse effects of ILO. Some of them include disadvantaging the poor member states, the fact that practicing the rules is quite costly, and unfairness to new enterprises. To solve these problems, it has been recommended that the organization should strive to form customized regulations to consider the economic status of each member state. Another recommendation is that the organization should think about small and new business enterprises and ensure that the rules are fair to them. With these recommendations in place, things can change positively where member states and small enterprises do not strive to meet the organization’s directives, thereby ensuring their growth.

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